Need Facebook Users for an Interesting Study!

Hello Friends!

Finally, I'm back with something important to share!

I am working on my master's thesis which is based on the study of online social networks as motivational environments for promoting sustainable activity. For this study, I require participants to use the facebook application I have created, and answer a couple of short surveys.
The study spans a period of 1-2 weeks only. And you are required to use the application as much as you can during this period. The study ends on March 31st, and I would have to have gathered as much user activity as possible and is very essential for my graduation!

Below is a short description of the study and the relevant links. I would really appreciate it if you could help me with the study by being an active participant. :) Please feel free to forward this to as many people as you wish.

All that is required from the participants is that they should be a Facebook User, and interested in using a great new facebook application, for a period of 1-2 weeks.
A short description of the study is provided below.

Extreme Displays of Sustainability

Extreme Displays of Sustainability (EDS) is an initiative to study online social networks as motivational environments for promoting sustainable activity.

This study aims to find out basic statistics about different users' current sustainability awareness and activity, and compare the statistics of the same parameters after the use of the web application.

The study will be conducted in three phases:
1. The first phase contains a short survey of the participants’ awareness and current activities relating to sustainability, and what outcomes they expect from using the EDS application.
2. The second phase is the actual user activity on the application.
3. The third phase contains a survey of the participants’ sustainable activities after using the application, so as to see if the application helped them improve their sustainability awareness, sustainable activities and abilities to motivate other people to perform sustainable activities; thereby fulfilling the requirements for the study.

The link to the first phase survey:
The link to the application:

(Please complete the survey before using the application!)

I appreciate your time and interest in the study.
Please feel free to send in comments!


Purple Poise

Happy Birthday Blog!

OMG! I completely forgot about it!!! I knew the 1st anniversary of the blog was sometime soon, and I just realized, it went past by... On March 5th!!!

Well, better late than never!! Hehe!


Thank you everybody, for reading my blog and tolerating it, perhaps! :)

Hopefully, I can churn out more posts soon... Once I'm done with my thesis stuff... Uh.. Cant wait to get that done!


Purple Poise

P.S. I just noticed that the Calvin and Hobbes comic strips disappeared!!! Well, they were fun while they lasted!

Mac Users! MacHeist nanoBundle 2 is here!

Hey Guys!

This is a quick post to let you guys know that MacHeist's nanoBundle 2 is here with 7 top Mac Apps, worth more than 250 dollars! The price you ask??? Just 19.95 dollars!!! After you purchase the bundle, you get 3 bonus applications for tweeting a line about the bundle!

UPDATE: They just added in Tweetie for Mac! And that also includes a free upgrade to Tweetie 2 once it's out!

The apps included in this bundle are:
1. MacJournal
2. RipIt
3. Clips
4. CoverScout
5. Flow
6. Tales of Monkey Island
7. Rapid Weaver
8. Tweetie

And the three bonus apps are:
1. Airburst Extreme
2. Tracks
3. Burning Monkey Solitaire

All this for just 19.95 dollars!

Go grab your bundle soon! This bundle is valid only for 5 more days!

I got mine today! :) And my personal favorites are MacJournal, Clips and CoverScout! Well, I haven't yet gotten around to using the others! :) But I liked all the three I have used so far!
