First, the bad news. My old laptop, a HP Tablet PC stopped working! :( It just wouldn't switch on! :(
The good news:
Since I started working with Macs, I've loved it; well, one of the places where I work, I've been given an iMac workstation, and the other place, a Macbook itself! Mac seems to be all about the user interface! It was difficult to adjust in the beginning, after 20 years of using Windows, it would take a considerable amount of time to switch to a "no-Start-Menu-and-no-ctrl-with-command-key" system! And I needn't wait for hours for the laptop to boot up. Its quick and easy! And as Macs come with Apache built in, I can host my own website, WOW! Take a look at the specs and a video and several impressive pictures at the Apple Macbook site.
I was so immersed in the moment, that I didn't realize that the "moment" was actually an entire span of 20 minutes! I didnt know if there were people around me, or if anyone saw me, or if anyone thought I was autistic - my face had a big grin and I was apparently staring into a faraway galaxy, indeed, the background image of the Mac! I didn't care. To me all that mattered was the macbook! So deep and intense is my love for it, that I put away blogging for two days; I wanted to spend all my time with my macbook!
Aah... Talking about it makes me miss it soooooo much! I need to get back to my mac and spend time with it!
Mac-ed 'n' Mesmerized.
wow!!! finally a change in te topic.... but WHAT A CHANGE!!! from recipes to electronics to wat else??? well, i guess the sky is the limit for u.... well have fun mac-ing...