Lemony Lemons!

The sun is scorching down your neck, literally burning your skin. The sunscreen you applied seems to be of no avail. Aargh...

Imagine a coooool glass of lemonade...Plop! A few ice cubes in it... Imagine the cool liquid trickling through your throat, making its way down to your stomach... Aaah... Sounds like heaven, doesn't it?

Well, I needn't imagine it now! I have 1.5 litres of lemon concentrate now, that I can make myself a lemonade anytime I want at least for the next two months!!!

OK here's the story. Everyday in the morning, I have a glass of lukewarm water with 2-3 drops of lemon juice in it; without any sugar or salt. It actually tastes good! And apparently it is supposed to be good for the immune system as well, and it purifies the body! :) I usually buy the lemon concentrate that we get in a small lemon shaped plastic container, but my roommate S, yes, the same one who suggested the "email bug" topic, told me that she'll get some lemons for me from her aunt's place. For some background information, her aunt lives here, and S visits her every weekend. And that aunt grows a lot of stuff in her garden, lemon being one of them. I expected her to get maybe 2 or 3 lemons; well, lemons here are so huge, that 1 lemon will last even two weeks! But alas, she ended up with about a dozen lemons, even bigger than the ones we get in the stores!

I was wondering what to do with so many lemons. All I use is just 2-3 drops a day! I didn't want the lemons to get spoilt, so I thought I'd just make some concentrate and keep it in the fridge, and I can use it whenever I want. So I went to the store today, and got a citrus juicer for a pretty good deal; well, the lemons are pretty big and hard, and if I squeezed them with my hands, all I'm going to get is maybe 15 drops and no pulp! I couldn't wait to come home and try out the juicer!

Finally I came home, and took out the juicer from the cardboard box it came in, and arranged everything on my kitchen counter. I took one lemon, cut it in half, and pressed it on the juicer. WOW! I took out the lemon half to see just the skin left on it! Amazing! One by one, I squeezed all the lemons, and then ended up with 1.5 litres of fresh lemon concentrate! I have two large vessels in my refrigerator filled up with the concentrate now, and I can make myself lemon juice anytime I want, thanks to S and her aunt! Yay!!!

Lemonade anyone?!


Lim-ed 'n' Lemon-ed


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