Simulated Brain? Its not just in SCI-FIs?!

I know its been quite a long since I posted an "actual" post. Its been just "Time Twitters" for quite some time! But it is one way you get to know what I've been doing all day! Well, at least some parts of my day! But I've come back to post quite a few posts! I think there will be an array of posts you would see on my blog in the next couple of days!

For this post, I have a very interesting stuff to share with you guys. I stumbled upon this article on BBC News, which is totally mind-blowing, or you could say "brain" blowing!

In 2005, the Blue Brain project was launched as a joint research initiative by EPFL and IBM. This project aims to "create a biologically accurate, functional model of the brain using IBM's Blue Gene supercomputer", as quoted from the project website.

The article on the BBC News site just merely says the current development stage of the project, and then when I went onto the project's website, I was quite amused! Amused is putting it mildly. I was hit with a rush of several emotions, actually - surprised, shocked, awed, inspired, anxious, apprehensive... Well, its a wonder what science is capable of, but then, as I thought more about it, this apprehension crept into me - someday, the fiction of robots ruling humans might actually come true! In a few years, we'll have a simulated brain that can think and act like a real human brain. Next, there would be robots that can think independently - oh well, it isn't next, it has already been done! Just that, they still haven't gone to the point of having Cyborgs!

I might sound crazy, but hey, think about it. We're all so dependent on machines already that life, now, without a single machine is just not possible! Hell, I don't think I can even live without a laptop now!!! Sometimes, even for social communication we end up using machines; my roommates and I sometimes communicate via email or chat or SMS while being just a room apart! Someday, we might end up not using our own brains, and we would rely on such "simulated" brains. Who knows! Anything can happen!

Take a look at the
article and let me know what you think.

Purple Poise


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