Ice Breaker - Busy Times

Hello Everybody!

Its been a long time, I know. I have sooooo much to tell you guys!

Firstly, I apologize for not being able to update my blog as often as I wished I could.

I was quite held up with my work and thesis work as well. And to top it off, LoudTwitter, the service that used to ship my tweets to my blog, had problems with their server. So you couldn't really keep track of whats happening with me!

Here are the updates in a bulleted list. I guess its a pretty neat way to keep track of it. I'll try to provide time-lines as much as I can.

  • July 31st: I moved to a new place! Its a one bedroom apartment. Its just me and my mom! :)
  • August 9th: My birthday. Well, nothing great about it actually. It was literally just like any other day! Work work work. :(
  • August 12th: My mom landed in Phoenix. :) Well, there's a loooong story behind it. She was supposed to arrive here at noon, but then because of flight cancellations and delays, she ended up coming here close to midnight!
Well, those are the only big highlights I could think of!! Heh heh! But I have a few other things to share as well, which I believe would be best if I put up as separate posts!


Purple Poise


Mohan said...
Thursday, August 13, 2009 8:55:00 PM

yay! Belated birthday wishes :) Nice to hear that your mom joined you.. have a great time.

Purple Poise said...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 11:23:00 AM

Sorry for the late reply, but Thank you very much! :)
I'm having a great time! (Also great food! Heh Heh!)

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