This post should have come out a few days earlier: August 23rd, 2009. But better late than never!
July 23rd, 2009 was Vinayaka Chathurthi. I hope all of you had fun offering sweets and savories to Lord Ganesha to fill his belly, and also filled your bellies!!! Hope your prayers are answered soon. Belated Vinayaka Chathurthi wishes!
Vinayaka Chathurthi, also known as Ganesha Chathurthi, is celebrated as the birthday of the elephant-headed Lord Ganesha. Do you want to know how he got his elephant head? Then read along.

Once, when Lord Siva had gone out, Goddess Parvathi wanted to take a bath, but there was no one to guard the door. So, she created a little boy from the Sandalwood paste on her body, and asked him to let no one inside. As he stood there guarding the door, Lord Siva returned home, and asked to be let inside. The little boy, not knowing who Lord Siva is, refused to let Siva in. Infuriated by this, Lord Siva drew out his trident and severed the boy's head. When Parvathi saw her boy's headless body, she flew into an uncontrollable rage and took the form of Goddess Kali and threatened to destroy the three worlds. Siva, worried that he had enraged his beloved, instructed his "Bhoothaganas" to cut the head off of the first living being they encountered, whose mother had turned the other way. The bhoothaganas went on their search and came upon an elephant, and cut its head and took it back to Siva. Siva then restored the life of Parvathi's little boy with the elephant-head and named the boy Ganesha; meaning the "Lord of his Ganas" ( Gana + Isha (lord) ).

On this auspicious day, devotees offer sweets and snacks that are known to be the Lord's favorites; such as the Modaks or Kozhakattais, Bananas, etc.
This year, my Mom is with me, so we made several sweets, the recipes of which I shall post very soon. :) Its an auspicious start for my recipes again! Ha ha!
The image on the left shows what we made. :)
Do you know whats my favorite version of Ganesha?? I like my baby Ganesha on the right! (Its not a very clear image, but I'll try to update the post with a better picture, soon.) And also Nardhana Ganapati! He is sooo cute with his little belly also dancing about with him! Pranaams to you, my Ishta Deva! What are your favorite versions of the Lord? Let me know!
Purple Poise
May god Ganeshji bless you with his choice of blessings for a bright and colorful journey in what you desire!